Monday, March 14, 2011

A new bee in my bonnet

We all know the feeling of real, deep rock. It's not even in your ears, it's in the gut. It seeps from the speakers into the floor and creeps up you until you're headbanging with your eyes closed, forgetting anything else exists.

It's this raw, wrenching feeling that will grip you with every beat of She Keeps Bees. The duo remind me of a time when rock had dirty long hair. They keep it simple with just drums and guitar, but paired with the potency of Jessica Larrabee's voice, it's really all they need. It's a pure outpouring of feeling wrapped in simple, strong rock. In short, it works.

Try... Release and Gimmie to see what I'm talking about. Also, check out the great clip of them at the bottom of this post.

Listen to She Keeps Bees... with big speakers.

My bones are tired, my dress is weathered
I've got no place or home to cling to 
So give me water, give me light,
Give me the strength I can remember.
-My Bones Are Tired